Random notes on energies and batman

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  • Thinking I should look after my energies better. I feel constantly distracted, which I think is partially a thing about freelance life and family life, and partly just me wanting to do everything ever.
  • Between consuming games, paper and video, and creating games and words, I put a bit too much pressure on myself. Why? Because I want to? To keep up with others? To clear out the backlogs? To justify the purchases?
  • Prayer as ritual as mental health. Have we lost a sense of grounding now that we don’t pray any more? If I’m spiritual but not religious, what are my anchors? The Sun and the Moon maybe. The earth beneath my feet. But what about practices?
  • Climate change still scares me. Are we doing enough? (No.) Am I doing enough? How can you judge it? How do you avoid anxiety?
  • Repeat for parenting.
  • Starting to read a lot of Scott Snyder’s Batman at the moment. Very good writing.
  • Graphic novels are oddly comforting, as a medium.
  • Is there a literary equivalent to ambient drone music?
  • I wish I could see the moon right now.

[Bullet points form inspired by James?]

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