Not finding much time to blog lately, or not happy the energy to write properly. But that makes me feel bad – the longer I go without posting, the harder it feels to come up with something.
Maybe I’ll get back to more “casual” blogging, thought-of-the-day style, tiny updates, marking the passage of time with a virtual stone in the sand. I enjoy using restnotes for the casual, off-the-cuff post too, so do join if you want regular irregular mini-thoughts from a chilled out few people.
Lots of stuff in brain recently.
- Been hand-holding the Writing Our Legacy team as our CEO has been offline for a few weeks. Been good to see what the team do up close, and organise meetings to help comms. Nice to get back to some of that.
- Similarly, feeling more of that Senior vibe in my role with a new client. Challenges of how to organise people to do what I want again đŸ˜… but a reminder that I did this before and can do it again. Maybe enough time has passed… Need to get back to work weeknotes.
- Also as part of the WOL hat, I attended a roundtable discussion put on by ACE to bring together all the member organisations around Brighton and Hove. Slight imposter syndrome but said a little about finding ways to adjust continually, and met some good and inspirational people in the sector.
- Also stopped by the Brighton Festival launch event later that day. I’ve always been quite bad at going to Festival events due to cash, time, and – now – not living in Brighton. But I’m going to try to get along to one or two things this year, I hope.

- I spent a week working on a new Pulp project for a game jam, and released the result, The Place Where the Moon Once Was, at the end. I’m pleased with the output – a tweaked version that’s slightly easier will be released once judging ends, but I managed to come up with more of a narrative structure than I’m used to, and am really enjoying bringing this side of things into what I make. It’s akin to finding the story when doing a photo essay, something which speaks to the audience beyond simple mechanics.

- I’ve started getting into No Man’s Sky on the Steam deck and enjoying it a lot. It’s a nice balance of casual wandering that I can do without thinking too much (now that I’ve got the hang of the interface) and path following to unlock quests. Reminds me that I need to get back to a couple of Zelda games, but also that it’s weird having the brain back to get into huge worlds.

- The wife and I managed to find a way to go child-free for the weekend, and spent a lovely day walking around Ringwood (the market town, not the motorway services), then down to Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove. Somehow, somehow I don’t ever remember visiting these before, and it was the perfect day with fresh weather but before the tourist season has really started. I walked up Hambury Tout, guided by the ancient burial mound to be greeted by a glorious view over the coast.

- Charity shop finds from the weekend:

Admittedly spent a silly number of minutes trying to get the second Feeder disc to play in the car before realising it was a DVD.
New casual blogging rule: Don’t worry about signing off of finishing up properly.
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