Photo: Catbus claws from “A Tax Haven Run By Women“,
Monster Chetwynd, Tate Modern gallery
Inventing morning routines. Tea stir breathing: When making your cup of tea , place the cup so that the tea’s surface is half in sun, half in shade. Stir the teabag, remove the spoon, and enjoy the teabag circling within the cup. Breathe in when the teabag enters the sunlit part. Breathe out when it enters the shady part. Enjoy breathing as the rotations gradually slow down. The exercise is over when the teabag comes to a stop.
Wednesday thoughts. The last few weeks have been choppy and scrambled, in between the usual school holidays, return to school, catching up with work and remembering how to live. I’m nursing some proper tennis elbow this week – my right arm hasn’t been particularly right for a few months, but last week’s badminton game gave it a good twang, so I need to take myself more seriously for a while. Someone remind me to do more arm and back stretches during the day.
I’ve been pushing on with development of Crystal Daze, my Playdate game. I’m enjoying it, and the restrictions of Pulp which I must talk about separately, but also realising that creating the creative is hard work. The second 90% after the first 90% that people talk of is real – it’s the act of editing, refining and polishing something that you truly care about, and the longer you work on it, the more you care about it. Need to watch myself that I don’t get too absorbed into it at times.
We’ve been in the new house for over 3 months now, and gradually feeling more integrated. I still feel like any place I live is always just a temporary thing, knowing that the house and the earth it stands on will likely be here far longer than me. There’s a fox, a squirrel and a cat that traverse our side wall into the garden, the last of which we’ve made friends with once. As the leaves fall more, I’m starting to think about bird feeders and bird boxes though.
Lots of other things going on, but seems like a good excuse just to blog smaller updates more often. I miss little personal messages in my RSS feeds.
And with that, the teabag stops.
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